The Hidden Side of Heath Ledger

The hidden side to Heath Ledger.
On 22nd January 2008 Heath Ledger passed away. I have to say, it came as a bit of a shock and on the eve (ok well 6 months before) the release of the ‘The Dark Knight’ it cast a shadow over the release. But ultimately it was Heath’s legendary performance of the Joker that made the film. Yet in spite of his untimely death, his spectacular performance in the Dark Knight won him a golden globe.
But there was another side to Heath Ledger that many people were unaware of. He was in fact a director, predominantly music videos, but it seems the goal was in fact to become a film director. And judging by some of the work bouncing around on the web he would have been a pretty good one.
Check out some of his ‘hidden’ art after the break…
The first one that came to my attention is a heart wrenching comment on Whaling. Released in August 2009, it was apparently “fully conceived down to the last detail but unfinished” (Wiki)
and then…
No Fixed Abode – Cause and Effect
and last but not least…