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Deadpool 2 Review BABY!

Deadpool 2 Review BABY!Score 90%Score 90%

I have just got in from seeing Deadpool 2, and I had been slightly concerned that it couldn’t recreate the magic that was the first film. The trailers looked good, but I was a little concerned about the whole X-force thing.

But, my doubts quickly vanished in a chainsaw-juggling-bloodbath, the likes of which only Deadpool can provide.

Deadpool 2 ups the ante, with bigger bad guys, bigger emotion, bigger laughs, bigger numbers, and it really pays off. As laugh out loud as the first, with more of everything, including heart.


Emotional Depth. No, Really.


This is a Deadpool 2 review, but it is going to be hard not to draw some comparisons to the other big Marvel movie currently doing the rounds, and that is Avengers: Infinity War. They fricken cast Thanos (Josh Brolin) for goodness sake!

But you may well be surprised at the emotional Roller-coaster they were willing to take you on. This film has a real depth, that had me welling-up, just before it hits you in the face with a well-timed penis joke.

The thing is, they get the balance right, you feel that Deadpool is on a path to heroism, but struggling a little on the way. I have to admit – and I’m not ashamed to say – I did tear up.


A Movie Juggernaut


My friend said she hadn’t enjoyed a movie this much in ages, and that is quite a feat, being that we recently saw Infinity War and other big films. But it does get the humour and emotion right, and that is no small accomplishment when you have baby legs reenacting scenes from that film. Its sheer fourth-wall-destroying craziness is what we love most about Deadpool though, isn’t it? And it doesn’t disappoint! Ten dislocated-thumbs-up!

Oh, and Juggernaut! I LOVED Juggernaut in the Xmen Saturday morning cartoon, he was just so big and hulking, and the helmet was pretty cool too. He’s almost the same proportions as Hulkbuster armour (Have you seen the amazing LEGO Hulkbuster Armour mod? You should check it out), which I also love. But he was absolutely destroyed onscreen in Xmen 3 when he was played by FRICKEN Vinnie Jones!? In that rubber suit… *shudder*. It’s good to see him much nearer to what he should be.


Easter Eggs


If you thought Ready Player One was the only easter egg hunt in town, then guess again. The references in this film come thick and fast, and some may well go unnoticed. Sure the Thanos quip won’t be obvious to everyone, but there are far more obscure references to look out for. Let me just say, Blackwidow is Deadpool and Juggernaut is Hulk. Anyway… I digress.


Are there post-credit scenes in Deadpool 2?


Yeah, there are! They’re fricken great! and there are loads!

And without spoiling it, that’s all I can really say. Except perhaps that they are some fantastic scenes that had me laughing as hard as the rest of the movie. Some of these scenes could have been included in the movie, but it makes sense to have them as a P.S. otherwise it would have changed the film a little too much. They are hilarious, and you should definitely wait to leave.

If you do stick around, you will also be treated to some rather amazing soundtrack music, the likes of which you can never un-hear.





Summary Deadpool 2 ups the ante, with bigger bad guys, bigger emotion, bigger laughs, bigger numbers, and it really pays off. As laugh out loud as the first, with more of everything, including heart.

Deadpool 2. Bigger bad guys, bigger emotion, bigger laughs, bigger numbers.

About The Author

Luke B

Luke B started life on his day of birth, strangely. He enjoys artistic and creative pursuits such as painting, drawing, sculpture, music, 3D graphics, video games and everything else. He builds websites as his day-job and builds personal ones in his spare time. He also likes Lego.

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