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Dick and Fart Ad



Recently the powers that be have decided to be a bit more lenient on product placement within the realms of the the TV world but will it ever get to the point in this country where dick and fart jokes are used in advertising campaigns?

It seems that they already have.

Check it out after the break

Could this be the start of something ‘beautiful’?

This rather vulgar TV advertisement has appeared over the last few weeks in an attempt to educate us all on the dangers of hiring unqualified gas fitters. So pay attention, this fart joke could save your life.


About The Author

Luke B

Luke B started life on his day of birth, strangely. He enjoys artistic and creative pursuits such as painting, drawing, sculpture, music, 3D graphics, video games and everything else. He builds websites as his day-job and builds personal ones in his spare time. He also likes Lego.

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