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Hallowe’en Fact 4

Hallowe’en Fact 4


So think of Halloween and what do you think? Witches, Skeletons, Ghosts, Ghouls, Goblins and Bats right. Ok well I think of Bats at least.

Did you know.. Bats cannot see, ok well they can, they aren’t clinically blind but they’d need bi-focal glasses as thick as Rolo’s (can you imagine, they’d never stay on). Instead they use Sonar to get around, to find their food and to avoid bumping into things, in fact everything that other mammals use their eyes for. Cool huh. They are like mini submarines.

About The Author

Luke B

Luke B started life on his day of birth, strangely. He enjoys artistic and creative pursuits such as painting, drawing, sculpture, music, 3D graphics, video games and everything else. He builds websites as his day-job and builds personal ones in his spare time. He also likes Lego.

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