Yogi Bear. Big Screen. 3D. Justin Timberlake…

You’re mad! it couldn’t possibly be! But Hold your horses there mister-I-know-more-than-you.
Sure I had to check this was real a few times, but I guess after the likes of Garfield and Alvin and the chipmunks it was only a matter of time before every single childhood cartoon has been dredged up and had an extra dimension added to the mix. This time it is Yogi Bear that is getting a live-action-with-CGI-animals treatment. And yes little ones, to put your mind at ease boo-boo will be in it – Voiced by none other than Justin Timberlake, who’s career has obviously taken a down-turn. Oh how stars fall from grace. Oh and Dan Aykroyd is Yogi.
Yogi Bear first appeared on TV in 1961… So clearly now is the perfect time to release a film. You know, at the height of Yogi-mania! Umm… Yeah