Ads of the Superbowl – Androids, Beetles and Beavers. Oh MY
If you are in a country that hears football and thinks of shoulder pads and cheerleaders then you probably already know that recently there was something called a “Superbowl”. To everyone one else football is football and Superbowl is a very, VERY big bowl, that may or may not have had some weird super-radioactive-ramen powers. Not everyone then?
The thing is; if you, like me, don’t really care about this American football thing it still means we get some of the most expensive ads of the year. Lots of the summer blockbuster movies are advertised at this time and you need a big budget not just for the Ad, but to air it, with 30 seconds of air time costing about $2.5M – $2.8M
So come on in and watch what the advertising £$ gave us shall we?
Umm… Wha?
Is that Scarlet Johansson? @0:17?
How much money did this cost?
Who is Carmax? I thought they meant Carmex.
Eminem does do ads.
So does P. Diddy
If you scratch my beaver i’ll scratch yours. Umm, no wait!
A new NEW Beetle?!