‘O Refreshing Stuff’ – Oasis’ Refreshingly honest ads
Possibly the most honest thing I’ve read in the media in 2016
Driving past a bus stop on my way to work the other day I was astounded at the bus stop ad…
“It’s summer, you’re thirsty. We’ve got sales targets.”
I was spurred on to find out if this was one of a kind. In the midst of this seemingly never-ending Brexit campaign, it seems like a very well-timed piece of truthful advertising from Coca-Cola owned drinks company Oasis. The newspapers, news apps and TV are currently full to the brim of one lie or another, not to mention the vastly inflated over-exaggeration that every political party and newspaper alike are spouting; so this piece of truthful advertising is a breath of fresh air for everyone.
A brilliant set of advertising dreamt up by firm ‘The Corner’, this ad campaign is aimed at the modern consumer, their primary demographic being those ‘young people’ who make up the companies ‘new generation of consumer’. But let’s face it, it’s not just an ad campaign for the ‘yute’ of today. Young and old alike, we can all enjoy a dose of good old fashioned ‘say it like it is advertising.
Keep your eyes open for the rest of the campaign, it promises to offer yet more honest statements about modern society without getting too deep into the politics which seems to be dominating our lives of late.
And who is responsible for this campaign I hear you ask; well it comes from the company who brought you the ‘wear green’ campaign for Jigsaw…
and the ‘Happy Cockburns’ ad campaign for Cockburns. They are no strangers to the odd ad which makes people talk. In fact, it is where they make the most impact.
In order to make this multimedia ad campaign work;
“Oasis worked with New Zealand-based animation studio Parallel Teeth to create the illustrations, with media being handled by MediaCom. The copywriter is Robert Amstell, the art director is Matthew Lancod and the director was Robert Wallace.” [Source]
Read more about the campaign here.