Back to Future Trainers Are Back… From the Past? So Confused.
Did you ever watch Back to the Future part 2 and long for a pair of futuristic Nike super shoes? Well Now you can get your grubby mitts on ’em.
I had to check this a few times because I found it utterly unbelievable. A few days ago a short video surfaced on ye olde internetz of some Back to the Future footwear, but there was no real information on what these short virals meant. Until Now. Apparently Nike is producing the shoes that appeared in the film in limited quantity – 1500 to be prcise and they are eBaying them in order to raise some moolah for Marty Mcfly’s… I mean The Michael J Fox Foundation.
The crazy thing here is that when I was a kid, I thought no way will the style of the future be an 80’s style with more LED’s and buckles… And yet decades later we seem to be having an 80’s resurgence and those Nike MAGs with pretty much fit right in. Weird.