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Day 19 – The Yule Log

The Yule Log


Many countries have the traditions of the Yule log. These were originally a large log/tree that was selected close to the beginning of the month of December. The idea was to bring into the house the log/tree that would burn for the longest and so therefore heat the room the best and for the longest time.

Nowadays, many of us don’t have actual fireplaces where we burn logs, so the tradition has all but died out… however, it has been replaced with 2 other traditions;

1. chocolate Yule log – a chocolate cake in the shape of a log

2. In New York a television station broadcasts round the clock images of a burning fireplace… check it out (number 7)


About The Author

Luke B

Luke B started life on his day of birth, strangely. He enjoys artistic and creative pursuits such as painting, drawing, sculpture, music, 3D graphics, video games and everything else. He builds websites as his day-job and builds personal ones in his spare time. He also likes Lego.

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