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Earthworm Jim returns. Landing on iPhone and Consoles

Earthworm Jim returns. Landing on iPhone and Consoles

earthworm jim comes to iphone and consoles

Earthworm Jim returns. It’s been a while since he graced consoles and first appeared in 1994 on the Megadrive/Genesis.

Now Gameloft is bringing him to the iPhone/iPod touch aswell as the Wii, Xbox360 and PS3. Apparently. Though you may think this not particularly weird, let me draw your attention to the facts;

  1. The hero is a worm in a robotic suit that gives him super powers… well not that super, but bearing in mind it’s a WORM, pretty damn super.


  2. His arch nemesis is Queen Slug-for-a-butt, oh and that is her short name!


  3. The Princess who is sometimes the ‘love interest’ or ‘damsel in distress’ is called Princess What’s-her-name


  4. Professor Monkey-For-A-Head designed the ultra-high-tech-indestructible-super-space-cyber-suit for Queen Slug-for-a-Butt, oh and to reiterate, his name is Professor Monkey-For-A-Head


  5. Bob the Killer Goldfish & Evil the Cat


All I can say is, they must have been smoking something pretty badly contaminated while they came up with this idea. So. Weird.

iPhone screenshot and trailer after the break


Earthworm Jim for iphone screen


About The Author

Luke B

Luke B started life on his day of birth, strangely. He enjoys artistic and creative pursuits such as painting, drawing, sculpture, music, 3D graphics, video games and everything else. He builds websites as his day-job and builds personal ones in his spare time. He also likes Lego.

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