Halo 2600 – Tiding you over until Halo:Reach
In a little over a month anyone who owns an Xbox is probably going to be placing a very special disc into their machine. Sure their are lover and haters, but that’s the case with anything that rises above mediocrity. Yep… Halo:Reach is out. It has been hyped and with reason. It is after all Bungie’s swan song to the Halo series as they leave Microsoft and go to Activision leaving behind the Halo franchise in Microsofts hands.
But to tide you over ’til then say halo to Halo:2600… Sounds futuristic no? Well… No. It’s actullay a game for the Atari 2600 a console produced in 1977. If you don’t have it you can also play it online here WOo.