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Remember Reach… Before you even get your hands on it

Remember Reach… Before you even get your hands on it

Halo Reach - Remember Reach Website

Halo Reach will soon be upon us. For those that care of course. And in true fashion with most big games launches we will be subjected to more and more PR over the coming weeks. And yesterday the marketing machine cogs were set in motion over at – essentially a shrine to commemorate the Heroes. And I really don’t get it. I mean it’s nice and everything but I’d quite frankly rather see a video of some action!

But if you find yourself twidling your thumbs why not head over to and pick a point of light? The more people that do the more of the picture is revealed.

Lovely and pointless. Great.

About The Author

Luke B

Luke B started life on his day of birth, strangely. He enjoys artistic and creative pursuits such as painting, drawing, sculpture, music, 3D graphics, video games and everything else. He builds websites as his day-job and builds personal ones in his spare time. He also likes Lego.

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