Rebuilding a Face Without Surgery – Eat Your Heart Out Darkman!
Scientists have developed a material that can be used in corrective surgeries without needing surgery.
It is basically injected into the flesh (main purpose is for facial reconstruction) and can be moulded and sculpted into shape before being ‘set’ into the desired shape using light.
The material, which is half synthetic and half biological, can be injected under the skin as a liquid, massaged into shape, and then permanently “locked” by exposure to light.
Soft tissues are hard to replace, especially in the face. “We have metals and plastics for your bone,” says Jennifer Elisseeff, a TR35 winner in 2002 and one of the researchers on a paper published in Science Translational Medicine that describes the work. But surgeons lack good replacements for things like cheeks and lips…
So if you want to know more, and find out if the effects are reversible in order to become “Darkman” Follow the source link below…