Who Says Maths, Humour and Bidding Wars Don’t Go Together? Google Gets Funny With Nortel.

When you get a company that is as much a part of the internet and technology in general as Google, you are going to attract the cream of the crop. Of UBER-GEEKS! These mega-minded-could-be-dangerous-if-allowed-to-make-the-working-death-star-replica-they-planned-when-they-were-nine kings among lesser nerds need something a little more highbrow to get their jollies. You know, between writing boobies on their calculator. And when you are a geek/nerd demi-god backed by billions in the bank you can afford to make expensive jokes.
In a recent bidding war between Apple, Microsoft and Google, It was goole that was bidding, unusually exact amounts such as; $1,902,160,540 (Brun’s Constant) and then $2,614,972,128 (Meissel-Mertens constant) and finally $3.14159 billion (also known as Pi). It’s a shame though they didn’t bid Pi in it’s entirety… because they defiantly would have won… But I guess even googles not got infinite resources… AHA! I’m tired.